Oral Surgery

Taking care of your oral health!

Oral Surgery

At times, even those who are the most diligent in their dental hygiene are faced with needing oral surgery. There are many causes, such as needing to have wisdom teeth removed, needing implants for specific teeth, helping reconstruct after a facial injury, repair a TMJ issue, or to remove a cyst or tumour. For each situation, Guelph Line Dental will use the cutting edge techniques with the best tools available to ensure complete success. We will also use sedation and anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the process. Our dentists at Guelph Line Dental have years of experience in performing oral surgery using sedation techniques.

Meet Your Dentist

Dr. Phalguni Sougaijam

Dr. Phalguni Sougaijam


Dr. Phalguni Sougaijam has over 20 years of experience practicing general dentistry. His area of focus and experience
Dr. Tehchin Hsieh

Dr. Tehchin Hsieh


Dr. Tehchin Hsieh graduated from the University of Toronto, with an honours degree in dentistry in 2009. Dr.